À propos du candidat
Hi! I am professional video editor. I do cool videos. I do it for five years.I can do your videos for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok. I can do wedding videos and commercials videos. I use Premiere Pro, After Effects and Davinci Resolve to do it. I can do your video very quickly. I would like to work with you!
Profils Similaires
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Amazon S3, Anaconda, Architecture, Azure, Azure Data Factory, Databricks, DAX, Deep Learning, Déploiement, Google Cloud Platform, Instagram, Jupyter Notebook, Keras, Machine Learning, Metasploit, Méthode Agile, Microsoft Analysis Services (SSAS), Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft SQL Server, Migration, MySQL, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Nosql, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), Pandas, PostgreSQL, Power Apps, Preuve de concept (POC), Produit minimum viable (MVP), PySpark, Python, Régression linéaire, Régression logistique, Snowflake, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Tableau de bord, Tableau Desktop, Tensorflow, Youtube